Protecting the environment, supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy, addressing the challenges of Climate Change and contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals are fundamental to SBDB business growth and a key part of its strategy.
The Company is committed to the protection of the environment and, more generally, to the sustainable management of the natural capital it utilizes in the context of its business activity. To this end, it incorporates into its business strategy, investments and internal decision-making processes, the following basic principles of responsible environmental behavior:
Compliance with the applicable environmental legislation and standards.
Adherence to the agreements and commitments that SBDB has undertaken by SBDB beyond its legal obligations.
Implementation of Environmental Management Systems, the main elements of which are:
The continuous identification and assessment of the environmental risks of the Company's activities, facilities and products, as well as the improvement and updating of the mechanisms aimed at preventing, mitigating or eliminating those risks.
The management of impacts through programs and action plans that promote the continuous improvement of the Company's environmental procedures and practices, as well as the establishment of monitoring and control mechanisms.
The conduct of regular internal and external (third-party) inspections to assess the performance of the Environmental Management Systems, the achievement of the targets set and the implementation of the applicable regulations and principles.
The continuous provision of information, training and awareness-raising activities for the personnel in each Business Unit, adapted to the duties and needs of each employee, to promote an environmentally responsible culture.
Tackling Climate Change, through:
Setting and revising medium and long-term carbon reduction targets, with the aim of reducing total CO2 (Scope 1 & 2) emissions by 30% by 2030 and achieving a net zero carbon footprint by 2050.
Identifying the main categories of indirect CO2 (Scope 3) emissions, calculating these emissions, and setting targets for their reduction.
The implementation and revision of the Company's key carbon footprint reduction initiatives in the Business Units.
The responsible use of energy, by enhancing energy efficiency and energy conservation.
Efforts to address the risks and challenges of climate change and adaptation of the Company's activities to the related impacts by developing appropriate action plans.
The disclosure of detailed information on climate change management, in accordance with international standards.
Sustainable management of the natural capital, through:
The rational and sustainable withdrawal, use and discharge of water, while at the same time managing the risks associated with water scarcity.
Performing business activities with a view to protecting biodiversity and ecosystems, implementing plans to mitigate ecological impacts and carrying out land restoration and impact offsetting programs, where required, in the areas in which the Company operates.
The reduction of hazardous waste generation from the Company’s activities and the utilization of this waste to the maximum extent.
The reduction of air emissions and the continuous reduction of solid and liquid waste, employing recovery, reuse and recycling techniques where feasible.
The procurement and use of recyclable and reusable materials, where possible.
The improvement of the environmental footprint of products throughout their life cycle and the integration of environmental criteria in the design of new ones.
The prevention of pollution risks and the implementation and application of plans to reduce the negative impact on the environment in the areas in which the Company operates.
Efforts to ensure preparedness and prompt response to environmental emergencies, by implementing and applying relevant action plans to address them.
Promotion of innovation through research and the development of new technologies that are gradually implemented in the Company's production units.
Provision of information and training to business partners (contractors, suppliers, clients) on the Company's environmental policy and objectives, to enhance their environmental awareness.
Establishment of a procedure for reporting and investigating environmental incidents and taking preventive and corrective actions.
Identification of Stakeholders’ needs and expectations regarding environmental issues, demonstrating increased awareness of them and promoting a climate of cooperation.
Application of environmental criteria in key Company processes (such as procurement & purchases, logistics, mergers and acquisitions, approval of large- scale Company projects).
Fulfilment of the above commitments is supported by individual processes, investments in the upgrades of production units, the exploitation of new technological developments, and the adoption of best practices by each Business Unit.
The present policy:
Is approved by the Company's Sustainability Committee.
Is developed and revised every two years, unless this is required earlier, by the Company’s Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development General Division, in cooperation with the General Divisions of the Company’s Business Units, which are responsible for its implementation.
Applies to all Business Units and Subsidiaries of SBDB, while its basic principles are also of relevance to its suppliers and business partners, as reflected in the “Suppliers & Business Partners Code of Conduct” of the Company.
Is available to the Company’s Stakeholders.
The Company is committed to allocating the necessary resources for ensuring the implementation of the Environmental Management Systems, the review of the Environmental Policy and the continuous improvement of its performance.